Monday, January 13, 2014

Lady Freak's Mission's Accomplished!

Okay.. This story started when I went to My friend's sweet 17th birthday Party..
I met my friends (Yuzuki & Nanase)...
In the Party, we (me & Yuzuki), introduced Nanase to our friends (boys)..
But we never thought that something bad would happened..

And a few days ago, we (all of the Lady Freak's member) found out that Nanase had became close with our friend..
we never thought that it would happened!!

Honestly, we weren't agree with their relationships 'cause the boy loved to act like a playboy.. get closed with a girl.. and then with another girl.. =3=
But the girls always rejects his 'short term' feelings.. yay.. XD
That's so annoying,. We want Nanase to get a better guy,, not a playboy wanna be like him.. =3=

That's why, we gave so many advices to Nanase..
We shared about the playboy wanna be too..

At the first, Nanase was very stubborn and it's looked like she was going to accept the playbor wanna be's feeling.. =3=
And the rest of the Ladies' shocked! =A="

The next day..
We talked about it at school from the morning 'till the end of the school..
When we talked to Nanase, she said something relieved.. O.O
she said that she didn't like the playboy wanna be anymore..

In the end, all of us was happy.. except the playboy wanna be.. of course..
Heheee.. XD

We can say that this mission was accomplished! XD
Hehee.. okaay.. that's all of the story today.. XD
Thanks for read! :3

-Normal is Boring-

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