Lately, I'm playing a play station 2 game.. The game is Persona 3 FES.. XD
well, I've been looking for that game for a long time.. XD
Well.. the game wasn't exciting when the first time I played it..
but once I get to the middle of the story, the game's getting exciting.. XD
Well.. my favorite character from that game is Akihiko Sanada.. XD
He's very cool.. I can't stop looking at him.. <3
and then, in the game, I can change the character clothes.. XD
and I make Akihiko wears his swimsuit... LOL.. XD
this is a picture of him.. :D
well.. he's skinny.. -_-"
but cool.. /)>.<(\
well.. until now, I haven't found any difficulties in playing the game.. :D
hahaa... XD
well.. this is the end of this post.. >,<" *sobbing*
see you in another post.. >#</)
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